3D Layered Photos

You could just show a slide show video that cycles through your standard photographs
Or we can slice those images into layers and show depth and movement between the layers in a video.

Animated Photography

Turn traditional photography into dynamic moving video

3D Layered photos take a traditional 2D image, and cut them to create depth, giving them the appearance of a frozen, moving video still. This technique is more efficient to create than a video, but more dynamic than a still photo, and helps us to further narrate the story of a specific community.

3D Layered photos can be used on photos we create, your current images, and even stock lifestyle images.

Benefits of 3D Layered Photos

Instant impact on your homepage

We can use the resulting video file as a full screen background on your website, or anywhere else embedded on the page.

Leverage on social media

Video is becoming the standard on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This is much more dynamic way to display photographs.

Already have photos?

Whether VLS captured photos for you, or perhaps you already have professional high resolution photography, we can use them to create this 3D Layered Photo effect.

It's beautiful and cost effective

Using 3D effects on standard photography creates a more engaging viewing format at a fraction of the cost of producing actual video.

3D Layered Photo Creation

We recommend ordering multiple photos to be processed in order to create video that is loop-able and includes transitions between scenes.
starting at $200 per photo

Order Now
We can revolutionize your online marketing strategy- Let us show you how!

We are a creative company focusing on photography, virtual reality and web marketing solutions for the multifamily and commercial real estate industries.

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Our Contact Details

Mailing Address:
2500 Yale St.
Ste. B16
Houston, TX 77008

Phone: (832) 280-8003
Email: info@virtualleasingsystems.com